More guidance for your future planning

There is always a lot at stake in the development of far-reaching projects for the future. They involve major investments in terms of time and money. This needs to be well thought out and safely invested.

With the three pillars: Future Research, Foresight and Know-how Transfer, PROFORE provides companies with resilient and affordable decision-making aids to put their future projects and investments on a secure foundation.


Future studies, trend reports, trend analyses.

You know your business, we know the interactions of trends. We work out the relevant developments for you, including expertise from all over the world. Explore your futures!


Szenarioprozesse und Future-Back-Workshops.

Wir bereiten Sie und Ihr Geschäft auf konkrete Entwicklungen vor. Sie entscheiden, in welcher Form Sie Ihr Personal einbinden und zu Vorausdenker:innen machen. Be prepared!

We are young, agile and trained based on the latest knowledge.

Dozens of clients from SMEs, corporations and public administration rely on our support for their strategic foresight. Through our memberships and volunteer work in universities, associations and organizations, we are constantly up to date with the latest knowledge on analysis tools, global developments and weak signals for emerging trends.

We are method professionals and generalists. We provide you with an external view on your business model, your strategy and your future issues. PROFORE has no fixed structures. As a result, our clients save unnecessary overhead costs and benefit from demand-driven flexibility with proven expertise in the respective industries.

Our core offerings: